Commuters, Read On

 Do you use public transport in the UK?

Do you commute to work - up to an hour or more?

Are most- if not all your journeys- an absolute disaster?

If so- then this blog is for you!

As an almost 30-year-old who spends all her life on public transport, I got so highly anxious last year that I've thought about starting a new blog on my disastrous train journeys, so that just maybe,

they might become more entertaining!

My worst one yet was during the second to last week of last term before the Christmas holidays. 

I'd got up at 6.00am, and got the bus to the station for my 7.11am train.

Little did I know, however, that I wouldn't get into work until 10.30 that morning- so at least four hours in total since waking up trying to get to work!

So what had happened to result in me being that late? You might ask.


I'd got to the train station where I have to make a change, and ALL the trains were being held, or cancelled.

The announcements kept coming. Suddenly a train came. I got on that train, and five minutes later, there was announcement to say it was being held and not going any further.

My heart starting to beat just that little bit faster, I got off the train. 

Now what to do??

I went to the nearest bus stop. No way was I getting a taxi when I'd already paid for my train ticket.

Little did I know, that the bus I ended up catching, took me all the way through Waterlooville and some of Portsmouth before I even got to another station.

So I got off at Cosham and took a train that was actually running to my final destination.

When I got to work, I decided to de-stress with a cup of tea before I even did anything else.

I'm not sure if any up-coming journey will beat this one. 

But if you want to find out, keep reading this blog to follow my living nightmare that is the UK public 

transport system!
